My name is Danielle Despatie and I'm here to punch the sun.

I have experience with








Spotify to CSV Screenshot

Spotify to CSV

This is a little project I made for someone I know who needed track listings for a Spotify playlist to be exported to an Excel file.

This website uses the Spotify API to get the listed songs in a playlist, and output the titles, artists, and song length in a downloadable csv file. In order for the Spotify API to function it also requires getting permission from the user to access their account data, and using access tokens and refresh tokens to request the information.

Taste Buddies Screenshot

Taste Buddies

A recipe sharing website where users can find recipes, post and edit their own recipes, and favourite recipes from other users.

This project was made using React and MongoDB, and includes signing up, creating a recipe for storage in the database, and the ability to favourite other user's recipes.

eCommerce Site Screenshot

eCommerce Group Project

This was a group project for Concordia's Web Development program.

My work was mainly on the back-end, but I also created and implemented some front-end logic and played a significant role in the overall styling of the page.


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